Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Re-starting what wked
My daily allowed points are still 19 not including 35 "play points" meaning if I really want a treat I can use the 35 no more than that..(yes the bread is now part of it=I) Today I ate:
1/3 cup of oatmeal (2)
Pot stickers from healthy choice (7)-came with rice
Treats-WW cookie and cake (2) for both
I drank ALOT of tea!! and water....
Dinner is Tomato soup and parmesean toast the total is 3 for that (1piece and 1 1/2 cup)
I might not have the full 1 1/2 cup of soup but I am still counting the points I had 3 left over before I ate the bread ........So Im assuming I ate total today of 20 (just because I ate bread already and had 3 left over so Im thinking the bread was 4)
Ok so everyday I will make sure to stay within my allowed points and see were I am on Christmas Eve,I know I probable gained the 5 I lost but Im just going to move forward =)
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
struggles in winter
Breakfast:1/3 cup oatmeal wth cinnamon and my coffee
Lunch I wasnt very hungry I ate a protein bar Luna smores and an apple
Snack baked chips
Goodie-small kitkat (1 bar)
Dinner turley chili and corn bread
snack 2 tbs of salsa and 5 chips...
Doesnt seem like much and its not but I was very hungry today...........I drank tea and water I wked out and burned 400 calories I will slowly get back into it again its rough for me Im very hard on myself, but I know once Im back on track it will get easier.Thank you for reading!!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Very close
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Keeping motivated
Monday, November 23, 2009
Putting away the scale
I ate this am better I had 2 egg whites 1/4 tsp of butter and 1 toast bread also 1 cup of coffee and 2 tbsp of sugar free creamer.The reason I say 1 cup is because I normally drank more but I cut back also on the creamer so far thats all I had! oh and water but I ate at 10am and its already 12:28 and Im about to get ready to go to the gym and hit the eliptical burn 300 calories and if I have time do some weights.........I plan to go to the store today and get some roamine lettuce and make me a salad for lunch....I have some silvered almonds (protein) and some shredded cheese (calcium) and I plan to add some turkey breast to it or some other type of protein maybe also buy some protein shakes or bars Ill have to see....Dinner is tri-tip steaks and also salad and steamed broccoli Im trying my best its hard but I have great ppl keeping me motivated =) I will update later!!
I wasnt able to have lunch just because time passed and I didnt make time but I ate a handful of almonds and an apple before my wkout after I got Gena I took her for some ice cream and I got a small (and I mean small) cup (1 scoop) of marble fudge =I it was ok........then we got home I was making the tri-tip I cut it up and put it in my salad no dressing and 1 cup of 1% milk so far thats all I had.I made some corn bread but I havent had any and probable wont Yoga is a nono today Gena wants me to stay home and started crying when I told her I was going to leave for a little bit she said I can wkout at home with her so I cant just leave!! I did wkout today at the gym burned 300 calories and did some abs so Im ok I will wake up tomorrow at 8am and go to the gym and then yoga at 9am.....oh I also got some orange spice tea for later its soooooo good!! ok thats all I will NOT weigh myself until saturday am just because Im bloated and I will make time to wkout everyday since Im off of wk =) thanks for cking up on me!!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
So far in 4yrs Ive gone from 180 to 135, its 2lbs more than a while back I know.....but the yoga makes me feel great and I feel slimmer....I think its water weight I ALWAYS gain weight when its that time for me. My goal is to be healthy I dont want to deprive myself but right now I think I need to limit myself just because the holidays are coming...........my fingers are crossed XX
Friday, November 20, 2009
Im back
1)Wkout everyday -Yoga and 30min of Cardio
2)Avoid any junk food!! anything I know isnt healthy that is
3)When wanting something sweet eat an apple or drink crystal light
So far those are my goals for this week.............since I will be home.
Thanks for cking up on me!! =)
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Genesis Leilani Ruiz.........
It was Genesis 4th birthday yesterday! When she woke up I asked her what today was.......ITS MY BUFDAY!!! haha......... as we got prepared to go to her party she was singing the Happy Bday song.......we all were..It was 4 yrs yesterday that she came into our lives......a precious little girl that was given to me from heaven.During my pregnancy with her there was always some type of issue, lets say the maternity ward already knew us .First she wouldnt move to much so we were always going in for monitoring, then Id clot a good amount so I was always being cked....one time we went to the ER because it was so much we were afraid I lost her, that same night we found out we were having a girl......Oni cried.She is the first girl born in about 6 generations.....Oni brother had all boys....my father in law had all boys.......in the family on my father in laws side are mainly boys,so when we found out shes a girl well what name to fit her perfectly than Genesis...........shes the first =)
There was so much going on with the pregnancy that I lost weight from the stress....on my last ck with my ob before having to go in once a week he told me we might have to do a C-section....he calculated her weight at 8lbs........I was 3 weeks away from my due date.I got scared!! he also said if I didnt want the c-section he might have to break her arms to get her out!!! So I had to make a choice.....if she kept on growing it was a C-section for sure.Well on 8/13/05 my sister threw me a baby shower Oni was in L.A at a car show with his partner at the time.I had such an awful day with the possible thought of being cut open.The baby shower was nice and even one person said "Watch your going to go into labor soon!" I laughed and told her na...I have 2 weeks to go, after the baby shower I went home and waited for Oni to be home....he got home pretty late.The next morning we woke up and decided to go watch a movie........I was getting ready and as he was searching for which movie I told him my back was hurting.....we thought nothing of it though.More time passed and I was SOOOOOOOOOOO uncomfortable~!! He kept asking if I was ok and I thought I was fine ....I was a tad hungry so as he went to get dinner I was still having pain.
A few hrs passed and then it got really bad.......I thought it was normal but he started keeping track then he asked me "Isnt this how u felt with Akira when you went into labor?" DUR!!!! OK so yes I was in labor!! I called my dr he was on his way to the hospital (he did scold me because he said I should be heading to the hospital not asking him if I should go hehe) well it was about 11pm when we got there.Labor was awful....I wanted the pain meds but it lasted about 15 min then it was gone!!! So no meds.......Dr wasnt there yet I went from 4cms to 9 in about a few hrs.I begged for my dr because well I wanted her out and she was coming I felt her completly heading out!! The nurse didnt believe me then she cked..........turned out I was fully dialated and I was crowning!!!!!!!! OH NOS!!! as my dr came in he had to also break my water.after that it went fast he was there about 20min and Gena was born....the cord was around her neck so I couldnt finish pushing he unrolled it and boom she squeaked she never cried alot.She was named the lazy baby (haha shes still is!! she sleeps until 10am) The dr turned to me and found out I had issues with the placenta hence all the clotting!!! but since Gena was healthy he didnt want to do any testing.
Genesis Leilani was born 8/15/05 at 6:53am on a Monday morning at 8lbs 3oz and 20inches long,turned out the dr was right about her weight.!!!!!!!!!! She was tested and when she had some xrays done for her chest (she had a murmur) and it all came out fine she was given a clear bill of health.She has brought so much love and happiness into the family.She smiles when she wakes up and kisses us all the time.She is the most loving little grl ever,she brought a sense of peace when we found out she was ok.She came 2 weeks early but she was ready.....when she came I cried.......I couldnt stop crying.There was a sense of relief.Knowing she was safe and that all the monitoring and worries were over.She is such a blessing,she made me complete.Her and Akira are gifts from heaven and when I got pregnant with her it was unexpected.I wasnt ready and Akira got jealous now they have a love that is so precious yes they argue and bicker they are 5yrs apart....but when your not looking and they are talking.....theres sooooooooooo much love.Akira takes care of her and Gena loves her to pieces........they are both my little angles and no matter how stressful I am......their smiling faces makes my day
Thank you all for coming to celebrate with us!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Jean shopping
Its been hard to wkout like I want my excuse? Our tv broke.So no EA Active for me right now we only have the small tv and the WII isnt hooked up to it.When I dont have Akira and shes at her dads for the week I do go to the gym and do cardio.........lots of Cardio!! I do stairs and the eliptical about 25-30 min each.I do ok with food but Im not going to lie I do have things I shouldnt ....I dont want to be super thin.I want to be toned so when I have cloths that are snug on thers no feeling uncomfortable.Im 5'3 and my weight should be from 113-140 Im (drummmmm) 133.4. When ever Im close to 130 I tend to gain weight back the highest Ive gotten this year is 137 and I felt miserable.!!!! Being amom is hard enough but adding weight loss man its at times impossible!! So...Im going to change things one step at a time....thank you for reading and hopefully I can keep my motivation ....and loose the lbs I want......my goal? 125 =)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Norm or not norm?
When asked to change the rabbits litter (ok no clean it) she makes a face and says again......................she makes it long and whiny!! grrr yes again! haha so she does it half a**ed because seems that shell do it for a minute then ask ok is this enough? she will take about an hr to clean it.........oh and to take the trash out... another face with her its mainly face making...to take a shower, man she literally takes like 30-40 minutes and if I tell her to hurry she says shes not done what do kids do in the shower!!!!!!!! shell tell you she doesnt care if you leave her alone in the house because you need to leave shell tell you to go leave me here........ok well she says it with an attitude!!!
Ok now Gena..........gena gena gena..........I will tell her to eat her chicken or no dessert shell respond "Oh yes I will Ill sneak it! and if I tell her I will spank you if you dont listen shell resond......No you wont I will run and you wont catch me!! hehe yes shell laugh...thats her new thing now she says oh no your not and oh yes I will I ll sneak it...watch........Im patient I havent spanked anyone or anything I will threaten a good grounding and possible spank but havent done it......I tell them sternly to stop and behave with Akira I talk to her and explain the consequences to her........today she and I stayed home and Oni went to the fair with Gena Akira got moody with Oni so shes not allowed to have fun .....sad but true.....any suggestions?!! what did your parents do to you when you misbehaved?? mine? shed grab a leather belt and tell me Id be spanked (never did it) but I was BAD!!! maybe she shouldve who knows....hmmm well thanks for reading.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
20 yrs ago
Monday, June 8, 2009
New foods for Gena
Why am I sooo excited? well if you know Gena she wont try new things unless you literally stuff it in her mouth and force her to try it.. we were visiting family in L.A and we were at this yummy pizza place well all of us got some salad and I mentioned to her that soon shell have to try it also she said nope not me! so for her to try it and like it its amazing!! jaja So we went to eat on anther night and I tild her from the start no fries..so I gave her the option between apple sauce or steamed broccoli she choose.......BROCCOLI I think its her new veggie........she ate it most of it that is.....shes only eaten her veggies in soups because its the only way to hide them so far.....well not anymore...!!! =) I hope she begins to choose more veggies to try I think it will make things easier for me so I wont feel like I have to cook differntly for her to substitute things....so now she knows if we have mac n cheese yes were adding broccoli =) thanks for reading
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
I was 19 when I had Akira........she was my 2nd preg my first I miscarried...I found out I was pregnant with her and I was excited she wasnt a hard pregnancy .The week I had her was tough though........my doctor kept wondering if I was preg with twins see I was HUGE!! he measured me alot to be sure and did many ultrasounds (free) but nope just Mona was in there..One day I was in the shower and I got a big pain on my lower abd...lets say it was probable 05-29-00...called my ob and he sent me to the maternity ward I was hooked up to monitors to see what was going on.....everything was fine or so I thought he came in read the heart monitor for her and said Id need to come back after my Dr appt the next day.......I asked why he said her heart rate would drop when Id have a contraction ok well I didnt know I was having them they were the type that just made your tummy tighten. see her heart would drop and not come right back up which isnt good that day I was 36 1/2 weeks...the next day I went to my appt and he said hed see me at the maternity ward on Friday (it was thursday) since I wasnt having pain...well Friday am I and her dad went to the maternity ward we didnt eat because we planned to go after the appt.....when I walked in the nurses were joking that I was in a good mood for someone cking in I told them oh Im just here for monitoring Im not due yet!! well I was monitored and after which seemed forever the Dr came in and announced I needed to get a test done called an Amniocentises.........EEEEKKKKKKK! no it didnt hurt but they put this big long needle inside my tummy and collected liquid from the sac and ran it off to test to see if her lungs were mature so she can be born normal or C-section.....a few hrs later turns out her lungs were fine and oh yea 97% its a grl!! (there was confusion all the time she didnt shw comp) so they enduced me and on 06-2-00 Akira Monique was born at 6lbs 1 oz 18inches long her cord was sooooo short and I later found out that she couldve not made it I wasnt enduced scary!!! shes the best thing that happened to me at the time in my life because of her I went back to school and when things werent so good she was there to make me smile.......she became my strength when I left her dad.....
She wasnt a premiee she was a pre-term.....37weeks......shes still a handful but as she grws shes matured in so many ways shes still into little kids things but is now wanting to wear lip gloss and nail polish...yet she wants to be a tomboy which I was at a young age and didnt grw out of it well until way later!! My computer isnt allowing me to upload but when I do I will post some pixs of her......she asked me to take pixs of her the day before her b-day because she said its the last time shell be eating and so on as being 8 haha shes silly thank u for reading!!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Trip to Fresno
My poor hubby he was pacing around he was nervous for me to be driving so late but it was worth it I got to his aunts house I called my mom and sister and txted Akiras granpma to let them know I arrived safely and he came out of the house (looked like he was waiting at the door not to sure)and I just hugged him ! I missed him alot but I was soooooo tired and I needed to shower it was hot!!! (84 to be exact) I greeted everyone they were all awake planning a wedding for this weekend coming.....I looked at his aunt and she looks sick......very thin in the face but her belly is very swollen.......the Drs say any day now shes around due to her faith and the fact that her daughter is getting married soon...it was nice to be there with the family we had a Bridal Shower the next day it was hot!! (98!!!) but it all turned out beautiful it was very emotional.......possible the last get together so we all think together it was all worth the drive to see my hubby and Gena she ran to me!! didnt let go and wnted me to hlp in everything she normally does alone it felt real nice to be needed again well be leaving again friday this time for the wedding Akira will be coming with us this time so well be leaving late........(I pick her up at 7pm) this trip will be more emoti0nal than the last one.......I pray shes still wth us for more days...months even a year I know thats pushing it....but I can hope.....I will post some picturers later on......thanks for reading
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
missed and appreciated
I got home showered and it was so quiet!! Akira was at my moms,she takes her to school in the am since I wake up at 4:30am....I couldnt sleep to quiet......no noise no lights on...scary finally I called Oni it was 11:00pm. he was almost to Fresno.......I said goodnight and tried to sleep when I woke up it hit me again.....Im alone so I made the bed tidied things up a bit got ready and took off to work.....normally I call Oni at 10:00am to say Hi and talk to Gena not sure if that can happen today so much is going on.....his aunt is dying and I want to be there for him but cant because of work.....Im doing my best to be un-selfish but I MISS them!!! I know they will be home soon....probable friday I dont know how military wives do this and I KNOW Im complaining but this makes me appreciate him more I thought yea!! FINALLY get to go to the gym wkout ok no.....I need to get Akira make dinner help with homework......and spend qulity time with her.......which I appreciate I enjoy talking to her with no interuption........she has alot to say......this has a good and bad I guess.....Im just realizing how much I depend on him and appreciate the small things.....yes I KNOW once they are home Ill go back to being annoyed that the house is a mess and to much noise but for now......I miss them <3
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Weigh in
Akira and him got on it and did some wkouts so far they are enjoying it I havent got on yet.........looks like I might have to take a number!! lol** ok well thats it for now thanks for reading!! Gotta go wk
Monday, April 20, 2009
So I took Akira to get her toes done on Sunday and I did also it was a treat because I dont even go to get them done but shes been asking me to do them but I thought shed love some mommy and daughter time she did she was happy she wasnt aware of what we were doing so it was a surprise =) Gena is still to young for it so I will do her nails at home.........no finger painting just toes Akira eats her nails and Gena well she doesnt but still to young I say.........its been hot lately so it makes a great time for ice cream......my other weakness!!! but I get the sugar free.......still yum but I get one scoop so I just have enough to satisfy me ........well thats it for now I will be posting some pixs soon!!! thanks for reading.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Found some goodies to help me
First of all I found some yummy english muffins for the am they are Thomas light multi-grain they gave 8g of fiber!!! OMG!! they are sooo good!! (and may I add they are only 1pt for me for the whole thing) =) yay...now when I eat lunch which can be anything really....I eat smart ones or lean cuisines which I dont care for the ones that have chicken or meat so its mainly pasta or if I have left overs from dinner.....now I have low sugars at times and ALWAYS crave something sweet after I eat......so I also have 100 calorie hostess cinnamon streusel coffee cakes for three small ones its only 1 pt for me!!
Now I know its not the best ever for the cake but I also do eat fruit all day I have oranges and pears and grapes ....now.........for drinks this is were I feel I will get more gripe on.........I love Red Bull.........but it has to be Sugar free!!! (o pts for the can) I sip it with a straw and it lasts longer for me now I DONT drink it every day but when I cant keep awake I go for it also I need to say I dont really drink soda but I love Coke Zero cherry......yup 0 pts.......its the only one I will drink I already had an ear full from one person I wk with but hey again its once in a while other than that I drink teas I found some yummy ones like Trader Joes carries a Blueberry Green tea and a Pomegrate White tea I do add 1 packet of non-caloric sweetner and its so good also Im in love with the one from Celestial its a Country Peach passion it taste like candy to me =)
I know you think I need more water right? well I drink lots of it!! I put the Crystal light in it!!! it adds more flavor Im also munching on almonds but not alot because I DO have high cholesterol so I have to limit myself to much isnt good for me.......so far these things help me.......I do get calcium which I know I need from yogurt but Im not a big milk drinker I know Iris it helps Im trying!! ok so far this is what I eat to help me keep me away from sweets I did weigh in at home from my scale it says I lost 1.6lbs =) but yet it reads differnt from when I went to the meeting but Im not doing the meetings anymore I will weigh in at home in the morning every saturday and go from there thanks for reading!!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Weigh in
Friday, March 20, 2009
Wking out
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
In Astrology, Geminis have also gained the reputation of being the incessant talkers of the zodiac. Those Twins that don't have the 'gift of the gab' are usually talented writers or have a special interest in foreign languages. Together with Scorpio and Virgos, they are a sign that is often discussed, dissected and sometimes even put down by the other signs of the zodiac. Sometimes this is a subtle form of jealousy by others, because Geminis do lead very unique and unusual lives. The Gemini personality can appear mysterious or detached to others and therefore they are often misunderstood and unappreciated for the talents they offer to the world at large.
Akira DOES love to gab!! she gets in trouble in class because of it!!! its her only issue in class shes very well behaved but if you know her she loves to talk if you dont know her give her 2 seconds shell start talking about everything!! that girl wont stop and doesnt think before she speaks so she at times says things that might offend but its because shes very forward were use to it=) she is also at times detached doesnt show much emotion she loves people but doesnt tell them its just how she is but when she wants to be shes a very lovey douby person ...aww my baby girl
Now as for Genesis shes my little Leo...........my family is full of them!! my mom sisiters and my dad who passes away (rip) heres her personality:
There are three levels of soul-evolution of the Leos. The highest is represented by the Sphinx; wise beyond their years and great teachers to others. The second is the Lion, King of the Jungle, ruled by ego but always protective and sustaining of those they love. The last is the Lion Cub, immature and undeveloped, frightened by anything new. These Leos cling to others (in the mode of the child not wanting to leave its mother's side).) They can't bear to be alone. No matter what level they have attained, all Leos are trendsetters, leaders and adventurers. Their weakness is their pride.
Gena loves to show us new things shes learned like in Ballett!! shell show her uncle or grandparents what she does in class all the time!! also yes shes very protective of people she loves and cherishes us and if were playig and someone gets hurt shell tell you to be nice and to not hurt the person again but shell be stern yet gentle....she doesnt like new things especially food.......but thats a whole new blog!!! she will cling on to us when shes somewere new until she feels comfortable she use to be stuck on our legs all the time as a toddler......and yes she has much pride shes not willing to admit her faults but will if its the bitter end ........
See my girls are so opposite!! but I love them to pieces!! thanks for reading!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
March of Dimes for Babies
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Welcome to the family....

Thursday, February 12, 2009
Of my yes!!

At yosemite in 2006 gena was only 15months
My girls keep me pretty busy they truly make my day special yes they have their days were I just want to hide because its so hectic but they are my world and I love them more than life itself since saturday is valentines day I like to make things special for my kids so the cupcakes are for them and I will also be getting them a little something they can use its something my mom use to do for us as kids so I want to keep that going.........my life wouldnt be how it is without them I cant imagine it but I fell so blessed to have them they are good girls so full of love and life they are about 5yrs 2months apart so they have thier bickering days but when I turn around and notice the hugs and kisses between them its something that makes me melt I posted some pixs above so you can see my beautiful girls =) thanks for reading
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Back on track!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Weight and Life
Well anywho last night I went to Ralphs to look for some yummy food to start the day right (grant it I went after taking Genesis to Chucky Cheese!! ) well I found a very delicious smart ones lunch which was broccoli with red potatoes and cheese can I just say OMG!! it was soooo good!!! I think I will get it again its just hard to stay on track and to say no but I need to do this for me and my kids I want to set a good example for them.......well thanks for reading on about my weight issues!!