Wednesday, February 18, 2009
March of Dimes for Babies
Many of us have never experienced a loss of a child or have had a premature the United States there are 1 in 8 babies born prematurly .March of Dimes was stared 70 yrs ago by our former President FDR which many of us probable did or didnt know had Polio as a child.The former President wanted to start an organization that will help raise awareness and money for the cure or prevention of Polio the organization was called Infintile Peralysis Association.....later renamed March of Dimes for Babies.To provide the proper care for a premature baby it cost millions......thats just for one!! Imagine all the little ones born everyday!!! 1 in 8!! I personally dont have the experience of having a premature child I have been blessed to have healthy girls but I do have family and friends who have had to go through the agony of not knowing if they would take a baby home or if their child would grow up to be normal......the money raised through March of Dimes also helps fund the New Born screenings done at the hospital they now have a law that each baby born is to be checked for 14 different metabolic diseases before being allowed to go home!! when before it was lucky if they checked for 7!!! .We have come a long way in 70yrs lets continue to add more miracles and please donate just click on the right hand side it can make a difference in a babies life and their parents........also you can find a location for a walk and you can also raise money that way....any little bit helps!! thank you!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Welcome to the family....

Please welcome Price Charming(blue bird) and Snow White (white bird) to our family! =) today we were walking inside Petco after lunch at Soup Plantation (which I truly love!!! so yummy!!!) and Genesis asked for a bird so we looked into it and I picked the white bird.....shes so pretty!! so calm they both let us hold them and since they have their wings clipped they wont fly away but we agreed not to clip them once they grow back in because we feel bad watching them have to climb all over the place to get back on top
Gena loves her new pets! shes been holding onto them since we brought them home its super cute!!! were hoping this brings music into the home I love hearing birds singing!! its so peaceful and calming.......thanks for reading!!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Of my yes!!

At yosemite in 2006 gena was only 15months
My girls keep me pretty busy they truly make my day special yes they have their days were I just want to hide because its so hectic but they are my world and I love them more than life itself since saturday is valentines day I like to make things special for my kids so the cupcakes are for them and I will also be getting them a little something they can use its something my mom use to do for us as kids so I want to keep that life wouldnt be how it is without them I cant imagine it but I fell so blessed to have them they are good girls so full of love and life they are about 5yrs 2months apart so they have thier bickering days but when I turn around and notice the hugs and kisses between them its something that makes me melt I posted some pixs above so you can see my beautiful girls =) thanks for reading
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Back on track!
Well like I mentioned in my previous blog I started getting back on track with my seemed like I lost the urge to loose more after I lost my 10% (14lbs) but since I realized the only person who has control is me I said ok no excuses! so last night I made some yummy dinner!! Kung Po chicken!! (1/2 cup) and some good brown rice (1/2cup) total 6pts =) it had zuccini and bell peppers so good and filling I think brown rice is a filling food so it wks! haha yesterday I wkd out for 55min did real good on the points I dont think I went over which is great because Ive been pretty bad on monday I was in charge of a fundraiser for March of Dimes and we had a soup and salad buffet along with some goodies I resisted for a while then I realized I havent eaten so I had some (very little) pasta salad my mom made so we can sell OMG!! so yummy!! but overall dinner was ok KFC chicken with some pasta salad (had some left overs) but no skin I know I went over but Im not perfect but Im back on track since tuesday tonight I get weighted in which Im nervous about I know I probable gained more (last time I gained .8) if I do gain well who can I blame but me but I know I will loose long as Im back on track right? well today I FORCED myself to the gym......actually a co-worker said she was going and I was going to sneak out of it but felt guilt since all I do is whine and complain so I went did the treadmill at 4.3 for 30min so happy I did it!! well see what tonight brings thanks for reading!!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Weight and Life
Ok first let me start off by saying no Im not a health freak! then also by saying I have struggled with my weight forever in a days!!! I go up and down and then Im stuck so when one of my cousins friends on myspace started posting her weight loss while on Weight Watchers I thought hey!! I should try so I did so far Ive lost 14lbs (yay!!) but with my birthday which passed weve been eating pretty unhealthy which is ok but I cant seem to get back into my routine!! well I walk during my lunch or do some cardio which makes me break a small sweat and as of today I have made sure to eat alot better which is hard considering I love food!!
Well anywho last night I went to Ralphs to look for some yummy food to start the day right (grant it I went after taking Genesis to Chucky Cheese!! ) well I found a very delicious smart ones lunch which was broccoli with red potatoes and cheese can I just say OMG!! it was soooo good!!! I think I will get it again its just hard to stay on track and to say no but I need to do this for me and my kids I want to set a good example for them.......well thanks for reading on about my weight issues!!
Well anywho last night I went to Ralphs to look for some yummy food to start the day right (grant it I went after taking Genesis to Chucky Cheese!! ) well I found a very delicious smart ones lunch which was broccoli with red potatoes and cheese can I just say OMG!! it was soooo good!!! I think I will get it again its just hard to stay on track and to say no but I need to do this for me and my kids I want to set a good example for them.......well thanks for reading on about my weight issues!!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Well first of all thanks for coming!! Im a mother of two beautiful girls who keep me going all day in which Im worn out!! Im also a wife to a wonderful man who has been my rock and has showed me what I have been missing in my life......Im very blessed to have a wonderful family and I hope to make many memories with them so when my girls grow up they have nothing but great stories and memories .......thank you for reading!
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