Sunday, August 16, 2009

Genesis Leilani Ruiz.........

It was Genesis 4th birthday yesterday! When she woke up I asked her what today was.......ITS MY BUFDAY!!! haha......... as we got prepared to go to her party she was singing the Happy Bday song.......we all were..It was 4 yrs yesterday that she came into our lives......a precious little girl that was given to me from heaven.During my pregnancy with her there was always some type of issue, lets say the maternity ward already knew us .First she wouldnt move to much so we were always going in for monitoring, then Id clot a good amount so I was always being time we went to the ER because it was so much we were afraid I lost her, that same night we found out we were having a girl......Oni cried.She is the first girl born in about 6 generations.....Oni brother had all father in law had all the family on my father in laws side are mainly boys,so when we found out shes a girl well what name to fit her perfectly than Genesis...........shes the first =)

There was so much going on with the pregnancy that I lost weight from the stress....on my last ck with my ob before having to go in once a week he told me we might have to do a C-section....he calculated her weight at 8lbs........I was 3 weeks away from my due date.I got scared!! he also said if I didnt want the c-section he might have to break her arms to get her out!!! So I had to make a choice.....if she kept on growing it was a C-section for sure.Well on 8/13/05 my sister threw me a baby shower Oni was in L.A at a car show with his partner at the time.I had such an awful day with the possible thought of being cut open.The baby shower was nice and even one person said "Watch your going to go into labor soon!" I laughed and told her na...I have 2 weeks to go, after the baby shower I went home and waited for Oni to be home....he got home pretty late.The next morning we woke up and decided to go watch a movie........I was getting ready and as he was searching for which movie I told him my back was hurting.....we thought nothing of it though.More time passed and I was SOOOOOOOOOOO uncomfortable~!! He kept asking if I was ok and I thought I was fine ....I was a tad hungry so as he went to get dinner I was still having pain.

A few hrs passed and then it got really bad.......I thought it was normal but he started keeping track then he asked me "Isnt this how u felt with Akira when you went into labor?" DUR!!!! OK so yes I was in labor!! I called my dr he was on his way to the hospital (he did scold me because he said I should be heading to the hospital not asking him if I should go hehe) well it was about 11pm when we got there.Labor was awful....I wanted the pain meds but it lasted about 15 min then it was gone!!! So no meds.......Dr wasnt there yet I went from 4cms to 9 in about a few hrs.I begged for my dr because well I wanted her out and she was coming I felt her completly heading out!! The nurse didnt believe me then she cked..........turned out I was fully dialated and I was crowning!!!!!!!! OH NOS!!! as my dr came in he had to also break my water.after that it went fast he was there about 20min and Gena was born....the cord was around her neck so I couldnt finish pushing he unrolled it and boom she squeaked she never cried alot.She was named the lazy baby (haha shes still is!! she sleeps until 10am) The dr turned to me and found out I had issues with the placenta hence all the clotting!!! but since Gena was healthy he didnt want to do any testing.

Genesis Leilani was born 8/15/05 at 6:53am on a Monday morning at 8lbs 3oz and 20inches long,turned out the dr was right about her weight.!!!!!!!!!! She was tested and when she had some xrays done for her chest (she had a murmur) and it all came out fine she was given a clear bill of health.She has brought so much love and happiness into the family.She smiles when she wakes up and kisses us all the time.She is the most loving little grl ever,she brought a sense of peace when we found out she was ok.She came 2 weeks early but she was ready.....when she came I cried.......I couldnt stop crying.There was a sense of relief.Knowing she was safe and that all the monitoring and worries were over.She is such a blessing,she made me complete.Her and Akira are gifts from heaven and when I got pregnant with her it was unexpected.I wasnt ready and Akira got jealous now they have a love that is so precious yes they argue and bicker they are 5yrs apart....but when your not looking and they are talking.....theres sooooooooooo much love.Akira takes care of her and Gena loves her to pieces........they are both my little angles and no matter how stressful I am......their smiling faces makes my day


Thank you all for coming to celebrate with us!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Jean shopping

I HATE IT!!!! =( Ok so last week I figured I need new jeans.......the reason? They ripped. Well I decided to start looking at different stores at the mall, I walked into a few but I know I didnt want to pay $50.00!! So I walked into For Ever 21 and grabbed a few different sizes.......Before having kids at age 18 I went from a size 30 waist to a 27....thats the smallest Ive ever been.Soooooo.......I grabbed some 27's and 28's and grant it they are ALL low rise!! Ok some of us dont like low rise my reason is because well I have 2 kids and I can say my tummy isnt hard rock tight.So I tried some jeans on and the 28's fit me.I was happy yet upset.I know if Id stick to a good wkout plan and so on Id be more toned or smaller!! The big issue I have isnt my tummy (but it is an issue) its my hips......yup they grew and if you feel it its all bone,so Im thinking Im forever going to stay a 28 waist? A normal size I have is size 7 jeans.......I hate jean shopping it makes me feel yucky and fat and miserable!!

Its been hard to wkout like I want my excuse? Our tv broke.So no EA Active for me right now we only have the small tv and the WII isnt hooked up to it.When I dont have Akira and shes at her dads for the week I do go to the gym and do cardio.........lots of Cardio!! I do stairs and the eliptical about 25-30 min each.I do ok with food but Im not going to lie I do have things I shouldnt ....I dont want to be super thin.I want to be toned so when I have cloths that are snug on thers no feeling uncomfortable.Im 5'3 and my weight should be from 113-140 Im (drummmmm) 133.4. When ever Im close to 130 I tend to gain weight back the highest Ive gotten this year is 137 and I felt miserable.!!!! Being amom is hard enough but adding weight loss man its at times impossible!! So...Im going to change things one step at a time....thank you for reading and hopefully I can keep my motivation ....and loose the lbs I goal? 125 =)