They knocked out once we got home =)
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Grls having fun..
We went to Lego Land a few weekends ago for my nephews 7th bday they had SOOO much fun =) Were trying to get them out since its been very hot and before our little man comes....

They knocked out once we got home =)
They knocked out once we got home =)
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Stress and new challenges
I know not many comment on this blog and Im ok with it =) I know the important ppl read it and thats what matters. Lately its been stressful at home... we just found out Akira has ADD.........took my a while to convince myself that it was true, no parent wants their child to have anything wrong with them. Shes a sweet grl, ppl wouldnt know she has it UNLESS you have known her the whole 10yrs and have been around her 100% no its not ADHD, shes not hyper just that her attention span is shorter and is unable to concentrate long enough to learn any subject. Oni was the one who told me to get her tested, I said no.... hes been telling me for 6yrs and I keep refusing to admit that she has anything wrong.... But one day he called me and even though the conversation was LONG and made me realize that I had to get her tested.FIRST I did some research, for about 2 weeks I looked into it and asked questions to a friend whos son has ADD also and hes had it since 2nd grade, hes now in Jr High. I took her and she tested positive for it , the hard part? Well its accepting it and telling her father... THAT WAS HARD! he and I dont get along well or long enough to make a difference in anything. When I got the results back I called him and we were able to talk about it for a good while. He agreed for her to take a medication called Straterra.. its a nonstimulant medication and has the LEAST side effects compared to other meds. I REFUSE to give her Ritalin.. her Dr actually suggested it, I said NO. Her dad was very happy with my decision and he knows how it feels to be on it, he has ADHD, he deals with it on his own but when we were together he stayed active .I dont normally agree on meds, but we (me and Oni) have done just about EVERYTHING to help her.... I pray I made the right decision, shes been struggling in school and at home, always in trouble never listening and being pregnant it was starting to become overwhelming....I would cry wondering what else we can do... now I feel like it was the best choice for HER. I talked to her teacher and she suggested Akira be tested also at school (she encouraged me also to get her tested for ADD) the testing is to be sure she has no other learning "Gaps" and I agreed to it. I hope and pray nothing else comes up. I have explained to her what ADD is and shes been taking her medication pretty well.... only side effect is she looes her appetite for a while but I make sure she eats something ... shes a good grl and I love her to death, I hope this new path we took helps her in school so she no longer struggle....
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Sensative and independent
Our youngest Gena has gone through some um.... emotional changes. She's always been a sweet loving and caring little girl, still is but I notice she's getting more sensative and also demanding. Why? Example: yesterday she's in her room playing with akira, she runs to the hall way and tells her dad : daddy u told me you were going to buy me a ant littliest pet shop and u didn't now I'm mad at u go buy me one!" ok where did that come from!?? So she ran back to her room and I called her back and explained to her that just because she's mad doesn't mean she gets her way... She asked why not and I told her because when ur mad and have an attitude it doesn't mean you get ur way... It's not how we do things here.... She apologized to her dad for being mad... Another example: last night I had the Grls get ready for bed... I hear Gena scream at akira : I told u I can doooo it!!! *grunts angry* and I call Akira and ask what happened.. She notices Gena hving problems with her pj shirt sooo akira trying to be helpful (which only happens once in a while as siblings they have good and bad days we all did lol) she helped her... Well Ms moody got angry... I called Gena and asked why she was mad.. "Akira helped me but I can do it and I don't want her to help me and I'm mad!" me and Oni had to calm her down and let her know help is ok... But not to be angry when someone offers help, especially sister... So she gave akira a hug and said sorry... Gena is very independant.... Always has been... Poor akira!! I told Oni ok she's a moody one lately, he gave me a look... "well I wonder why,(he meant the preg ) and I agree... Once I get home both Grls start up... When I'm gone they behave and do good.... Geez! Lol I'm a jinx! Lol
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Helping mommy
So far the girls have been good regarding me being preg. I'm already 4 1/2 months and the girls have heard the heart beat:) they both are excited to know if they will welcome a brother or sister. Since the girls are older (akira 10 and Gena will be 5) they now have more responsibilities . Akira already takes out the trash and makes her own bed, but now her job is to help with the dogs and clean up after them. When we eat her job is also to wash her own dishes... not everyones just hers...she's been helping me carry the basket of laundry and making sure that all her cloths are put away. It's been hard she still gets moody but she's never talked back just makes her " do I really have to" face lol
Gena... Oh Gena.... See she's never had to do much pick up her toys and that's it, now when I ask her to put her cloths away when I do laundry she says she's scared to.. Why? " because I'm small and need help" yup she's playing the I'm to small to do things card, doesn't work. She also makes her bed (sortof) and gets dressed alone. We help her less now which is great. She kisses the belly ALOT. Akira is not as affectionate she's never been but she will hug me and give kisses... But tells me she's excited about the baby. I'm just happy that they are helping out more and I think this will make a BIG difference once the baby is born:)
Gena... Oh Gena.... See she's never had to do much pick up her toys and that's it, now when I ask her to put her cloths away when I do laundry she says she's scared to.. Why? " because I'm small and need help" yup she's playing the I'm to small to do things card, doesn't work. She also makes her bed (sortof) and gets dressed alone. We help her less now which is great. She kisses the belly ALOT. Akira is not as affectionate she's never been but she will hug me and give kisses... But tells me she's excited about the baby. I'm just happy that they are helping out more and I think this will make a BIG difference once the baby is born:)
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Life changes....
So I found out that Im pregnant, I'm about 2months along and I have a separate blog about the pregnancy, I was nervous about telling the girls about the baby because Akira was not happy about me being pregnant with Gena when she was 4yrs old she took it hard. So I sort of expected Gena to feel the same way, I first told my hubby and the funny thing is he already knew I was pregnant he looked at me the night before I found out and told me "Im not playing around, I have a feeling your pregnant, I can actually see you walking around with a belly" I was not taking him serious because its been about 5months that we have been trying and I didn't want to put my hopes the next am I did my normal routine and had my coffee........YUCK nothing I ate tasted good to me at all so I was nervous about it.I was late about 2 days but when that happens and I take a test its ALWAYS negative and its disappointing.I went to Target at my first break and bought a test. I took it and it was POSITIVE!! YAY!! I was shaking! I was so excited I told a friend of mine who knew we were trying.....she was super excited and Oni was See we went to a cruise a few weeks back and we were being told we would come back pregnant haha OK well turns out we WERE pregnant but didnt know it!!
I asked Oni not to tell many people....but he told Gena, she was EXCITED! bought the baby a bouncy...Now I had to tell my surprise when I told her she thought I was joking, she kept telling me "Yea right your playing...dont lie to me mom, are you serious?!" She was happy so that made me feel better..Everyone was told (grandma's/pa's aunts and so on) and everyone is excited for us. Its been a change for me because Gena is so loving towards the baby now OK at first she was just plain hyper and wanted to play rough and starts punching and gets carried away but now shes calmed down, she just kisses my tummy and talks to the baby. Akira and Gena draw pictures of the family with a baby in my tummhy sooo cute!!!!!! Im excited to bring another member into the family, I know my girls will adore the baby and will be a big help.....they both are really embracing this new change which makes the pregnancy easier for me .
I will still write in this blog but it wil be about the changes the girls are going through with the pregnancy the other blog I have will mainly be for the pregnancy, if your not a follower yet of the new blog please feel free to follow me...=)
I asked Oni not to tell many people....but he told Gena, she was EXCITED! bought the baby a bouncy...Now I had to tell my surprise when I told her she thought I was joking, she kept telling me "Yea right your playing...dont lie to me mom, are you serious?!" She was happy so that made me feel better..Everyone was told (grandma's/pa's aunts and so on) and everyone is excited for us. Its been a change for me because Gena is so loving towards the baby now OK at first she was just plain hyper and wanted to play rough and starts punching and gets carried away but now shes calmed down, she just kisses my tummy and talks to the baby. Akira and Gena draw pictures of the family with a baby in my tummhy sooo cute!!!!!! Im excited to bring another member into the family, I know my girls will adore the baby and will be a big help.....they both are really embracing this new change which makes the pregnancy easier for me .
I will still write in this blog but it wil be about the changes the girls are going through with the pregnancy the other blog I have will mainly be for the pregnancy, if your not a follower yet of the new blog please feel free to follow me...=)
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Im back...
I know I have been away for a while. We had alot of fun at our cruise and enjoyed the time we had to ourselves.We did miss the girls ALOT but knew we needed our time, see we never had a honeymoon because Gena was born THEN we got married so it was never an option to just get up and leave the kids behind for so long, we do leave for a day or so but then come right back ....This time we were gone for 3days and I didnt see Akira leave to her dads =( I dropped her off with my mom at 12 and I normally take her to her dads at 7pm so this was hard for me, as for Gena she was at school so no goodbye kisses and goodnight hugs =( It WASNT easy, but once we took off and knew the grls were ok then it started to get easier. When we came back I knew I gained weight......5lbs to be exact!! BOOOO but I managed to loose 3lbs of it. I was off for a few days while Akira was on spring break and made sure I ate healthy and did some type of wkouts....she went with me on my job while she rode her bike it was nice being able to take her with me. I have alot of things going on right now, they are really good things, once Im ready and set I will make sure to write about it........I knw a few of you know about it already, and I appreciate the silence lol but for now I know that I will be having alot on my plate =) thanks for cking up on me
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Sugar free#22
Today was a good day!!!
6am: 1 cup of kix (dry) and coffee
8:30am: toast whole wheat and butter also my oatmeal
10am snck orange and water 32oz
11:30: Asian salad also more water
12:30 vanilla pudding s/f with strawberries and 4 whoel wheat crackers
2:00: apple
4:30: s/f cookies(4)
6:00pm: Dinner I made chili con carne and brown rice.....
Wkoout:30min power walk
I dont think I have lost anymore weight but I feel really good!! I was cked out ALOT yesterday and was told I stole someones breath away cheesy I know but hey I have 2 kids when I get hit on or looked at it gives me confidence! ofcourse I told him Im married!! lol anywho if I loose more thats great if not then Im ok just being healthy is important! =D
6am: 1 cup of kix (dry) and coffee
8:30am: toast whole wheat and butter also my oatmeal
10am snck orange and water 32oz
11:30: Asian salad also more water
12:30 vanilla pudding s/f with strawberries and 4 whoel wheat crackers
2:00: apple
4:30: s/f cookies(4)
6:00pm: Dinner I made chili con carne and brown rice.....
Wkoout:30min power walk
I dont think I have lost anymore weight but I feel really good!! I was cked out ALOT yesterday and was told I stole someones breath away cheesy I know but hey I have 2 kids when I get hit on or looked at it gives me confidence! ofcourse I told him Im married!! lol anywho if I loose more thats great if not then Im ok just being healthy is important! =D
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Sugar free#21
Today was a tad different I tried to eat a tad more but seemed to get hungry anyways:
6am-coffee and 6 s.f cookies
7am 2 boiled egg whites
8:40am:oatmeal with whole grain toast and spray butter also 32oz of water
10am:1 cup of watermelon (ok so I forgot we coudnt eat it until AFTER I ate it)
11:40am Brown rice and chicken veggie stir fry
1:10pm 4 strawberries and a chocolate pudding (s/f) IT WAS YUMMY!!!!!!
3:00 Pretzels and an orange
6pm We went to Apple Bees for dinner.... I ordered the Asian crunchy has chicken sugar snap peas and almonds cilantro and cucumbers it was good!
Hubby always orders a appetizer....I didnt eat any =) I picked at the crumbs of the tortilla chips but thats it..also water with lemon
I got home and wanted something sweet.....I tried eating the s/f cookies but I served the girls a piece of hubbys cake.....yup I picked at it about not learning my lesson tummy ache!!
Wkout: 30min power walk 100crunches 50 squats (sumo style) and 20 grlie push ups....
I did ok I feel like I ate ALOT!!!!! Now I read it and it looks ok........oh well its a daily struggle and everyday I learn........thanks for cking on me!
6am-coffee and 6 s.f cookies
7am 2 boiled egg whites
8:40am:oatmeal with whole grain toast and spray butter also 32oz of water
10am:1 cup of watermelon (ok so I forgot we coudnt eat it until AFTER I ate it)
11:40am Brown rice and chicken veggie stir fry
1:10pm 4 strawberries and a chocolate pudding (s/f) IT WAS YUMMY!!!!!!
3:00 Pretzels and an orange
6pm We went to Apple Bees for dinner.... I ordered the Asian crunchy has chicken sugar snap peas and almonds cilantro and cucumbers it was good!
Hubby always orders a appetizer....I didnt eat any =) I picked at the crumbs of the tortilla chips but thats it..also water with lemon
I got home and wanted something sweet.....I tried eating the s/f cookies but I served the girls a piece of hubbys cake.....yup I picked at it about not learning my lesson tummy ache!!
Wkout: 30min power walk 100crunches 50 squats (sumo style) and 20 grlie push ups....
I did ok I feel like I ate ALOT!!!!! Now I read it and it looks ok........oh well its a daily struggle and everyday I learn........thanks for cking on me!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Sugar free#20
Today I woke up and realized I had NO eggs =( so I looked at the Kix box and yup less than 3g of sugar......for 1 1/4 a cup but I only served me 1cup so this is how I did:
6am:coffee and kix dry
9:15am:oatmeal and english muffin with butter spray
11:40:snack (no I wasnt hungry at all) I had choco pudding s/f with thin pretzels and water 32oz
1pm: 100 calorie popcorn and orange spice tea and an apple.........
I did walk for 30min up hill.......I seemed less hungry today which is sooo ODD!!! LOL But seems that the more I eat in the am the less I am hungry through out the day..
Dinner:Chicken stirfry (asparagus,broccol, peppers,onions,and brown rice) thats it oh and dessert I had sugar free cookies (pecan walnut/chocolate) I had them at Henry's and tasted them both they are pretty good........I feel good about how Im doing I know I should eat more but I seriously wasnt that hungry =S...........I plan on eating more in the am's maybe it will help me eat lighter in the afternoons.....well see =D thanks for cking up on me!
6am:coffee and kix dry
9:15am:oatmeal and english muffin with butter spray
11:40:snack (no I wasnt hungry at all) I had choco pudding s/f with thin pretzels and water 32oz
1pm: 100 calorie popcorn and orange spice tea and an apple.........
I did walk for 30min up hill.......I seemed less hungry today which is sooo ODD!!! LOL But seems that the more I eat in the am the less I am hungry through out the day..
Dinner:Chicken stirfry (asparagus,broccol, peppers,onions,and brown rice) thats it oh and dessert I had sugar free cookies (pecan walnut/chocolate) I had them at Henry's and tasted them both they are pretty good........I feel good about how Im doing I know I should eat more but I seriously wasnt that hungry =S...........I plan on eating more in the am's maybe it will help me eat lighter in the afternoons.....well see =D thanks for cking up on me!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Sugar free#19 (a tad frustrating)
Today was a good day......ok well it started good!! This am I woke up late like around I ate:
2 egg whites and my coffee
2:00pm:Snack an apple and some thin pretzels and also a vanilla sugar free pudding
I had to clean and do laundry, so by the time dinner came along it was 7pm so I had :
Charbroiled chicken salad from Carls and a few pieces of fried zuccini (not mine they are Onis) drank water also dessert was another pudding vanilla again =D
I had about 4 bottles of water........
This is the hard part: Oni seems to be very supportive at times but then when I really need him to not bring junk in the house he buys things to make a chocolate cake, he doesnt tell me to have some but it doesnt help that its there....he made it tonight and yes I had a small (I mean small piece) it was sooooooooooooooooo good BUT my tummy now hurts...he said its because I dont really have sugar anymore so yes its normal Im just upset that he has that stuff in the house....I cant help but pick at it...He tells me hes supportive and doesnt ever make me feel guilty, he just loves the way I already look so he doesnt see why I want to loose more weight.....Im being patient with him so I just explain that Im not happy yet were I am....hes ok with it but I just wish he was supportive 100% of the time and not just 98%.........that 2% is tough when he has cake in the house.......anywho I did so some situps.......
Tomorrow I need to shop for the cookies so I can resist the tummy really doesnt like me right now though that in itself tells me that Im doing good , my body doesnt like the sugar filled goodies......Im just hoping it stays like that!! lol
2 egg whites and my coffee
2:00pm:Snack an apple and some thin pretzels and also a vanilla sugar free pudding
I had to clean and do laundry, so by the time dinner came along it was 7pm so I had :
Charbroiled chicken salad from Carls and a few pieces of fried zuccini (not mine they are Onis) drank water also dessert was another pudding vanilla again =D
I had about 4 bottles of water........
This is the hard part: Oni seems to be very supportive at times but then when I really need him to not bring junk in the house he buys things to make a chocolate cake, he doesnt tell me to have some but it doesnt help that its there....he made it tonight and yes I had a small (I mean small piece) it was sooooooooooooooooo good BUT my tummy now hurts...he said its because I dont really have sugar anymore so yes its normal Im just upset that he has that stuff in the house....I cant help but pick at it...He tells me hes supportive and doesnt ever make me feel guilty, he just loves the way I already look so he doesnt see why I want to loose more weight.....Im being patient with him so I just explain that Im not happy yet were I am....hes ok with it but I just wish he was supportive 100% of the time and not just 98%.........that 2% is tough when he has cake in the house.......anywho I did so some situps.......
Tomorrow I need to shop for the cookies so I can resist the tummy really doesnt like me right now though that in itself tells me that Im doing good , my body doesnt like the sugar filled goodies......Im just hoping it stays like that!! lol
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Sugar free#18
Ok so this moring I woke up around 10am ...........had my coffee and an apple..I wasnt really hungry and we were going to Johnnys Incredable Pizza Co so I knew that I needed to watch what I ate because incase Id be tempted it wouldnt be sooo bad....While I was waiting for Oni to get ready we all got a tad hungry so I had some Doritos w/ the grls (about 5-6) and 4 ritz crackers and water....We got to the pizza place around 3:30pm....I didnt eat the following all at once but its what I did have:
Salad (no dressing) with sunflower seeds.....(2 plates)
Water, vanilla capuccino (2cps) and a regular coffee
3 slices of veggie pizza (small slices)
Apple crisp and a little bit of ice cream....
Thats what I had from 3:30pm-7pm so it was lunch and dinner.......I wasn't all sugar free but I did my best....the dessert was a challenge for me....I met SOME of my goals I also did some squats and abe also some pushups before we left ....Tomorrow is a new day and Im hoping to be home and watch how I eat I need to head to the store and buy some sg/free cookies and oranges and also some sugar snap peas which I love to snack on....keeping this log has really been helping me alot....I knw we all struggle but the fact that I have the support of family seems to really be helping me ALOT!
Salad (no dressing) with sunflower seeds.....(2 plates)
Water, vanilla capuccino (2cps) and a regular coffee
3 slices of veggie pizza (small slices)
Apple crisp and a little bit of ice cream....
Thats what I had from 3:30pm-7pm so it was lunch and dinner.......I wasn't all sugar free but I did my best....the dessert was a challenge for me....I met SOME of my goals I also did some squats and abe also some pushups before we left ....Tomorrow is a new day and Im hoping to be home and watch how I eat I need to head to the store and buy some sg/free cookies and oranges and also some sugar snap peas which I love to snack on....keeping this log has really been helping me alot....I knw we all struggle but the fact that I have the support of family seems to really be helping me ALOT!
Sugar free#17
I sit here realizing how many things I no longer eat, Ive become more aware of what I put in my mouth and body and also in my home. I ck EVERY label I can get to and see how many grams of sugar items have I dont ck the calories anymore which is weird for me!! The reason I dont is because I realized a item can say "90cal" per serving BUT it has 28g of sugar also!!!! wait ,so for me its more important to know that Im consuming less grams of sugar than calories,some ppl would think thats odd....I DO!! lol but so far its helped me! I dont eat certain foods Id normally eat even though the calorie intake is low because of the grams of sugar it contains =D
I lost .2ounces so now Im 132 goal is to be 129-130 before the cruise but Im not sure if that will happen if the cruise was in another 2 weeks yes but its not its next week!! its ok I feel confident in knowing that I CAN and WILL control how and what I eat while still enjoying myself.
I went into wk at 5:30am while getting ready I read a suggestion my cousin made becaus I always seem to get really hungry quicker when I go into wk early even if its just 30min she said to try boiled eggs (I only eat the whites it has no cholesterol) So I quickly boiled 2 while finshing getting ready and let me tell you they helped!! (thanks Moni)
5:30am:coffee and 2 boiled eggs w/ a tad of salt (whites only)
7:30am:handful of almonds (raw lightly salted) and my 32oz of water
10:00am: orange spice tea with truvia and more almonds
11:40am-brwn rice and chicken with bellpeppers and onions w a sprinkle of cheese also an orange
1:21pm:4 whole wheat crackers and 32oz of water....
5:30: 6in subway on whole wheat w turkey cucumbers spinach lettuce and bellpeppers w salt and pepper I also had 5 doritos (shocked it has 1g of sugar but knowing me I only ate 5) also had a cup of coffee...
That night we went to watch a movie.....I started to get hungry smelling the popcorn, yes I had some not alot but I had a few handfuls and a diet coke.I gotta say compared to how I would be before I have been very proud of myself lately, I write EVERYTHING I eat when I eat when I look at it its like a reminder of how good Im doing, today were taking the kids to Johns Incredable Pizza yea thats a challenge for me!
GOAL:Eat a veggie pizza....SAlAD and water water water!!! now as for dessert I cant recall what they have but I will do my best to not eat tons...... I will do some crunches and push-ups and squats.......=D I will post later on how it went .. thanks for cking up on me!
I lost .2ounces so now Im 132 goal is to be 129-130 before the cruise but Im not sure if that will happen if the cruise was in another 2 weeks yes but its not its next week!! its ok I feel confident in knowing that I CAN and WILL control how and what I eat while still enjoying myself.
I went into wk at 5:30am while getting ready I read a suggestion my cousin made becaus I always seem to get really hungry quicker when I go into wk early even if its just 30min she said to try boiled eggs (I only eat the whites it has no cholesterol) So I quickly boiled 2 while finshing getting ready and let me tell you they helped!! (thanks Moni)
5:30am:coffee and 2 boiled eggs w/ a tad of salt (whites only)
7:30am:handful of almonds (raw lightly salted) and my 32oz of water
10:00am: orange spice tea with truvia and more almonds
11:40am-brwn rice and chicken with bellpeppers and onions w a sprinkle of cheese also an orange
1:21pm:4 whole wheat crackers and 32oz of water....
5:30: 6in subway on whole wheat w turkey cucumbers spinach lettuce and bellpeppers w salt and pepper I also had 5 doritos (shocked it has 1g of sugar but knowing me I only ate 5) also had a cup of coffee...
That night we went to watch a movie.....I started to get hungry smelling the popcorn, yes I had some not alot but I had a few handfuls and a diet coke.I gotta say compared to how I would be before I have been very proud of myself lately, I write EVERYTHING I eat when I eat when I look at it its like a reminder of how good Im doing, today were taking the kids to Johns Incredable Pizza yea thats a challenge for me!
GOAL:Eat a veggie pizza....SAlAD and water water water!!! now as for dessert I cant recall what they have but I will do my best to not eat tons...... I will do some crunches and push-ups and squats.......=D I will post later on how it went .. thanks for cking up on me!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Sugar free#16
I went into work at 5:30am this I go in early my body assumes that I will be eating sooner than normal so therefore I struggle more, but make myself wait and only snack on nuts (raw almonds) or drink water:
5:30am:Coffee, almonds (about a handful)
32oz of water
Around 8:30am I ate oatmeal w truvia and cinnamon also an orange
Since I was at work soooo early I got a tad hungry so I had another cup of coffee ....its the ones that already have the sugar and powder creamer I felt guilty drinking it but before I made the choice to stop the refined sugars I bought a bag of the coffee, after I drank it I did give the rest away.... (9g of sugar =(...)
We had a celebration at our office to celebrate the Star award (bonuses) we were given a solid milk chocolate star I didn't eat it....I was really busy so we just went to grab some subway :
Lunch:6in on wheat turkey with cucumbers bell peppers spinach lettuce and salt and pepper, I had that with some thin pretzels and more water
Snack:more almonds , when it was time to go home I was FULL O__O I didn't even eat the apples I took with me
Dinner: Shredded chicken with bell peppers (green and red) and onions.....also brown rice...I had 1 tostada I was so content it was a small bowl....smaller than a salad bowl....
I didn't workout today....Im exhausted! I went to work early on Tuesday and then again today I think my body has no energy for much of anything....I gotta say I didn't even care if the house was clean!! that for me is rare!! Ok so today was ok.....I gotta snack less on almonds just because they are good for u doesnt mean I can just eat alot of them =S ....
5:30am:Coffee, almonds (about a handful)
32oz of water
Around 8:30am I ate oatmeal w truvia and cinnamon also an orange
Since I was at work soooo early I got a tad hungry so I had another cup of coffee ....its the ones that already have the sugar and powder creamer I felt guilty drinking it but before I made the choice to stop the refined sugars I bought a bag of the coffee, after I drank it I did give the rest away.... (9g of sugar =(...)
We had a celebration at our office to celebrate the Star award (bonuses) we were given a solid milk chocolate star I didn't eat it....I was really busy so we just went to grab some subway :
Lunch:6in on wheat turkey with cucumbers bell peppers spinach lettuce and salt and pepper, I had that with some thin pretzels and more water
Snack:more almonds , when it was time to go home I was FULL O__O I didn't even eat the apples I took with me
Dinner: Shredded chicken with bell peppers (green and red) and onions.....also brown rice...I had 1 tostada I was so content it was a small bowl....smaller than a salad bowl....
I didn't workout today....Im exhausted! I went to work early on Tuesday and then again today I think my body has no energy for much of anything....I gotta say I didn't even care if the house was clean!! that for me is rare!! Ok so today was ok.....I gotta snack less on almonds just because they are good for u doesnt mean I can just eat alot of them =S ....
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Sugar free#15
Today was a good day I struggled a little bit but I tried my best to do good :
Coffee (6:00am)
I started to get hungry so I had more water 32oz (7:42) and an orange
Oatmeal w cinnamon and truvia (8:30am)
I went into my annual review and didn't finish my breakfast until about 9am.....
Pre-power walk snack thin pretzels and an apple (10:30am)
Lunch-Brown rice ,chili con carne and broccoli......I had some broccoli cut up on top of the meat and also in another container sprayed with butter (12)
Snack-Life water and 4 multi-grain crackers (2g of sugar) and an apple.... (2:00)
After work we ran errands and didn't finish up until about 5pm.....I was sooooo hungry! I made me some coffee (hubby wasn't happy about it.....he doesn't like me drinking to much of it)
we got home and hubby made me some Mahi Mahi........I saw how he cooked it he added olive oil and sesame seed oil.......I got nervous because thats NOT how I eat my food.....but I looked at the bottles no sugar.....but still due to my cholesterol I really shouldn't be eating it but it turned out DELICIOUS!! not oily at all and I had broccoli with butter and the rest of the brown rice from last night.....(about 2 cups) IM FULL!!! ....
Wkout: all I did was power walk UPHILL!! My calves were sore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im really tired and need to do some OT tomorrow.....
On another note: I got a raise =) I dont like saying how much I I wont but Im very blessed....... also on Friday we get a bonus !! God is AWESOME!!! =D
Coffee (6:00am)
I started to get hungry so I had more water 32oz (7:42) and an orange
Oatmeal w cinnamon and truvia (8:30am)
I went into my annual review and didn't finish my breakfast until about 9am.....
Pre-power walk snack thin pretzels and an apple (10:30am)
Lunch-Brown rice ,chili con carne and broccoli......I had some broccoli cut up on top of the meat and also in another container sprayed with butter (12)
Snack-Life water and 4 multi-grain crackers (2g of sugar) and an apple.... (2:00)
After work we ran errands and didn't finish up until about 5pm.....I was sooooo hungry! I made me some coffee (hubby wasn't happy about it.....he doesn't like me drinking to much of it)
we got home and hubby made me some Mahi Mahi........I saw how he cooked it he added olive oil and sesame seed oil.......I got nervous because thats NOT how I eat my food.....but I looked at the bottles no sugar.....but still due to my cholesterol I really shouldn't be eating it but it turned out DELICIOUS!! not oily at all and I had broccoli with butter and the rest of the brown rice from last night.....(about 2 cups) IM FULL!!! ....
Wkout: all I did was power walk UPHILL!! My calves were sore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im really tired and need to do some OT tomorrow.....
On another note: I got a raise =) I dont like saying how much I I wont but Im very blessed....... also on Friday we get a bonus !! God is AWESOME!!! =D
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Sugar free #14
I went into work today at 4am which means I started getting hungry alot earlier than normal =S
4:00am: Coffee
6:00am 32oz water with Ice
6:48am:snack orange, palmful of peanuts
FINALLY breakfast 8:30am:Oatmeal w truvia and cinnamom
10:45am Lunch: Sandwhich (wheat) veggie dry with light cheese
Snck:Pretzels (thin) w Sobe life water (0 calorie and 0 sugar)
1:00pm Apple and 32oz water
After work we ran errands I was off at 2:30pm we were invited over to my sisters for dinner, she was making burgers but I told Oni no I took out some meat for I made some
6:00pm chili con carne and brown rice sprinkle of cheese w/ broccoli =) and water bottle
I did have 1 tostada shell (0 sugar) with some meat but honestly I was FULL............I had a small bowl of broccoli w I cant believe its not butter spray .....if u saw how much I ate youd think I was kidding when I said I was full....but I am!!
wkout:30min power walk.....
Im hoping to do some squats and lunges also pushups and crunches before bed =)
So far Im proud of how Ive been doing Im hoping I gained nothing since I wasnt soooo good this weekend but overall I feel great=) This is something I plan to stay with, yes we have a cruise but I plan on wking hard right now so when we go the temptation wont be as heavy!!
4:00am: Coffee
6:00am 32oz water with Ice
6:48am:snack orange, palmful of peanuts
FINALLY breakfast 8:30am:Oatmeal w truvia and cinnamom
10:45am Lunch: Sandwhich (wheat) veggie dry with light cheese
Snck:Pretzels (thin) w Sobe life water (0 calorie and 0 sugar)
1:00pm Apple and 32oz water
After work we ran errands I was off at 2:30pm we were invited over to my sisters for dinner, she was making burgers but I told Oni no I took out some meat for I made some
6:00pm chili con carne and brown rice sprinkle of cheese w/ broccoli =) and water bottle
I did have 1 tostada shell (0 sugar) with some meat but honestly I was FULL............I had a small bowl of broccoli w I cant believe its not butter spray .....if u saw how much I ate youd think I was kidding when I said I was full....but I am!!
wkout:30min power walk.....
Im hoping to do some squats and lunges also pushups and crunches before bed =)
So far Im proud of how Ive been doing Im hoping I gained nothing since I wasnt soooo good this weekend but overall I feel great=) This is something I plan to stay with, yes we have a cruise but I plan on wking hard right now so when we go the temptation wont be as heavy!!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Sugar free #13
So today was a better day!! =)
Oatmeal (1/3 cup) 1 truvia and cinnamon(8:30)
snack:Grapes and handful of almonds (9:30)
32oz of water with ice
Lunch: 1 thin crust veggie lovers pizza (slice) -11:30am
snack:thin pretzels (12:15)
32oz of water
I wanted something sweet so I made me a orange spice tea w/ 1 truvia =)
I started getting hungry so I grabbed a handful of peanuts and ate an apple and drank ANOTHER 32oz of water
Dinner:El Toritos chicken taco sald (no cheese/dressing/ and no avocado )
I drank water ate no chips (avoided them in the salad also) OH the salad had seeds yummy!!
I was happy on how I did today
Wkout:30min power walk at lunch break and 30min on treadmil burned 200cal and did 15min of lunges squats and arms =)
Thats it I also made sure to get some more fruit from the store and got me some Sobe water 0cal they are pretty good!!
Ok off to bed Im going to TRY to make it to wk at 4!!! =I
Oatmeal (1/3 cup) 1 truvia and cinnamon(8:30)
snack:Grapes and handful of almonds (9:30)
32oz of water with ice
Lunch: 1 thin crust veggie lovers pizza (slice) -11:30am
snack:thin pretzels (12:15)
32oz of water
I wanted something sweet so I made me a orange spice tea w/ 1 truvia =)
I started getting hungry so I grabbed a handful of peanuts and ate an apple and drank ANOTHER 32oz of water
Dinner:El Toritos chicken taco sald (no cheese/dressing/ and no avocado )
I drank water ate no chips (avoided them in the salad also) OH the salad had seeds yummy!!
I was happy on how I did today
Wkout:30min power walk at lunch break and 30min on treadmil burned 200cal and did 15min of lunges squats and arms =)
Thats it I also made sure to get some more fruit from the store and got me some Sobe water 0cal they are pretty good!!
Ok off to bed Im going to TRY to make it to wk at 4!!! =I
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Sunday Sugar free day#12 (?)
Ok not sure what day it is but Im sure its more then 7 lol.....I was good all day yesterday until we left for the game night with friends=( I posted an update on the post so u can see what I did...
BUT new day lesson learned.....I woke up this am feeling bloated and yucky......I didnt feel like doing ANYTHING but while Oni went to get Gena (She stayed at gma and gpas house for the night) I made the bed cleaned up the house and then did a wkout....
100 crunches (different types)
Different lunges and squats
40 girlie push ups
By the time I was done I felt hot and a tad sweaty I got in the shower and once I was out had me my coffee and a 6in subway sandwhich.....yesterday I bought a foot long knowing Id save the other half for today Im pretty full =) I know I was bad last night so its motivation to be good from now on I need to go shopping for more veggies (sugar snap peas) and fruit =)
Im determined to stick to this now I can definetly feel the difference from before amazing how not having sugar does this to me....the minute I did have it I can tell the difference Im hoping to go for a nice walk its nice out...=)
*****************HOURS LATER*********************************
Ok so I wasnt able to walk around today it started getting mom called me to take her to Costco so I went with her I had an orange and some pretzels as a snack, while there they had snacks everywere!! =I I did good Gena had a taste of skinny cow ice cream.....I didnt touch it.....BUT then my mom bought me a churro to share with Gena AHHHH! ! I tasted was ok....not addicting I picked at it because honestly I was hungry...she also bought us a berry smoothie it was SWEET.....Gena drank most of it along with eating most of the I thought ok I was good....THEN hubby ordered pizza =( Thin crust veggie lovers for me....he got it with the thoughts of 1:I can have left overs for tomorrow and dinner... he did thin crust becaused he knows Im watching how I eat I had 2 small thin slices Im still a tad hungry but stopped eating and drank water.....tomorrow after wk Im going to get more raw veggies...and fruit....the pizza is also my lunch tomorrow....but just 1 slice....I am worried about weigh gain.....but I am also heading for a 30min cardio wkout tomorrow after wk at the gym we have at wk.....and ofcourse my 30min power walk at lunch so I think I should be ok =)
BUT new day lesson learned.....I woke up this am feeling bloated and yucky......I didnt feel like doing ANYTHING but while Oni went to get Gena (She stayed at gma and gpas house for the night) I made the bed cleaned up the house and then did a wkout....
100 crunches (different types)
Different lunges and squats
40 girlie push ups
By the time I was done I felt hot and a tad sweaty I got in the shower and once I was out had me my coffee and a 6in subway sandwhich.....yesterday I bought a foot long knowing Id save the other half for today Im pretty full =) I know I was bad last night so its motivation to be good from now on I need to go shopping for more veggies (sugar snap peas) and fruit =)
Im determined to stick to this now I can definetly feel the difference from before amazing how not having sugar does this to me....the minute I did have it I can tell the difference Im hoping to go for a nice walk its nice out...=)
*****************HOURS LATER*********************************
Ok so I wasnt able to walk around today it started getting mom called me to take her to Costco so I went with her I had an orange and some pretzels as a snack, while there they had snacks everywere!! =I I did good Gena had a taste of skinny cow ice cream.....I didnt touch it.....BUT then my mom bought me a churro to share with Gena AHHHH! ! I tasted was ok....not addicting I picked at it because honestly I was hungry...she also bought us a berry smoothie it was SWEET.....Gena drank most of it along with eating most of the I thought ok I was good....THEN hubby ordered pizza =( Thin crust veggie lovers for me....he got it with the thoughts of 1:I can have left overs for tomorrow and dinner... he did thin crust becaused he knows Im watching how I eat I had 2 small thin slices Im still a tad hungry but stopped eating and drank water.....tomorrow after wk Im going to get more raw veggies...and fruit....the pizza is also my lunch tomorrow....but just 1 slice....I am worried about weigh gain.....but I am also heading for a 30min cardio wkout tomorrow after wk at the gym we have at wk.....and ofcourse my 30min power walk at lunch so I think I should be ok =)
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Saturday weigh in
Ok so while on our way to the game night I snacked on some sugar free cookies and I thought I would be ok.........NOT =(( When we got there I started getting hungry I thought they would have snacks I could eat.....they only had Doritos w/ cheese dip and the cookies I made........YUP I ate the bad stuff but drank water the whole tummy was hurting alot....I failed and now I feel VERY bloated =( I know if I weigh myself right now I will be upset....I feel it.....
LESSON: Prepare better take veggies for me like my cousin does......=(
So Im all done with u know I was nervous to weigh in this am.....I was getting ready to meet up with one of my besties for breakfast......but wanted to see how I was doing before I went......guess what! 132.2!! Thats right......I lost 1.6 lbs!! I was super excited ....I did 20 girlie push ups and some squats before leaving I remembered to bring my truvia and I ordered :
coffee used half n half I heard it has no sugar and a short stack no butter and sugar free syrup =)
I think I did good also drank water....I got home and then went to the gym burned 300cal on the eliptical and then some more squats and lunges I was tired !!
Lunch:6 in subway whole wheat with turkey lettuce spinach cucumbers and bell peppers with salt and pepper and an apple =)
Were suppose to head to a friends house for game night and Im taking some oatmeal cookies with crasins and walnuts =I thatll be tough to say no to!! oh and Doritos but Im not addicted to them!! wish me luck!
Ok so while on our way to the game night I snacked on some sugar free cookies and I thought I would be ok.........NOT =(( When we got there I started getting hungry I thought they would have snacks I could eat.....they only had Doritos w/ cheese dip and the cookies I made........YUP I ate the bad stuff but drank water the whole tummy was hurting alot....I failed and now I feel VERY bloated =( I know if I weigh myself right now I will be upset....I feel it.....
LESSON: Prepare better take veggies for me like my cousin does......=(
So Im all done with u know I was nervous to weigh in this am.....I was getting ready to meet up with one of my besties for breakfast......but wanted to see how I was doing before I went......guess what! 132.2!! Thats right......I lost 1.6 lbs!! I was super excited ....I did 20 girlie push ups and some squats before leaving I remembered to bring my truvia and I ordered :
coffee used half n half I heard it has no sugar and a short stack no butter and sugar free syrup =)
I think I did good also drank water....I got home and then went to the gym burned 300cal on the eliptical and then some more squats and lunges I was tired !!
Lunch:6 in subway whole wheat with turkey lettuce spinach cucumbers and bell peppers with salt and pepper and an apple =)
Were suppose to head to a friends house for game night and Im taking some oatmeal cookies with crasins and walnuts =I thatll be tough to say no to!! oh and Doritos but Im not addicted to them!! wish me luck!
Sugar free Friday
Morning snack since I go to wk so early:
Coffee and 5 sugar free cookies
When I was about ready to make my oatmeal my friend came over and said "come on" I asked what she means she said its the end of the month it didnt click right away and then it hit the end of the month my wk does a little bday party for whom ever had a bday well I was the only one this month =) I walked in to:Carrott cake (favorite) Eggs bacon orange slices pineapple cookies and juice =I
Well my lovely co-worker knows me well and also brought some apple/cranberry bran muffins organic YUMMY!! She saved me here I grabbed one muffin a tiny bit of pineapple (I know its a nono but only had a little) a ton of orange slices and thats it =D yup no cake or anyother stuffs.The muffin filled me up tons , I did keep going back in for more oranges. lol.
Lunch:left over steak cut up brown rice and asparegous I did have a salad but I was to full to eat it I also drank orange-spice tea with truvia =)
Dinner: Panda express steamed veggies (no rice) chicken green bean and beef broccoli I felt like I ate ALOT but it was all veggies we went to the movies once we dropped off akira no I didnt have popcorn!! I told hubby no thank you while I drank water =) Akira did offer me a piece of her cookie after dinner I also said no WHAT!?? lol
Its getting easier as the day goes along =)
Coffee and 5 sugar free cookies
When I was about ready to make my oatmeal my friend came over and said "come on" I asked what she means she said its the end of the month it didnt click right away and then it hit the end of the month my wk does a little bday party for whom ever had a bday well I was the only one this month =) I walked in to:Carrott cake (favorite) Eggs bacon orange slices pineapple cookies and juice =I
Well my lovely co-worker knows me well and also brought some apple/cranberry bran muffins organic YUMMY!! She saved me here I grabbed one muffin a tiny bit of pineapple (I know its a nono but only had a little) a ton of orange slices and thats it =D yup no cake or anyother stuffs.The muffin filled me up tons , I did keep going back in for more oranges. lol.
Lunch:left over steak cut up brown rice and asparegous I did have a salad but I was to full to eat it I also drank orange-spice tea with truvia =)
Dinner: Panda express steamed veggies (no rice) chicken green bean and beef broccoli I felt like I ate ALOT but it was all veggies we went to the movies once we dropped off akira no I didnt have popcorn!! I told hubby no thank you while I drank water =) Akira did offer me a piece of her cookie after dinner I also said no WHAT!?? lol
Its getting easier as the day goes along =)
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Um Ok...Confession
Well I wish I could say Ive been awesome on these past few days but I havent..I started on Tuesday, soooo I normally get bloaty and cant stop eating....I havent ate any candy or ice cream, but I have had some sour dough bread w/ spray butter. At work they had some mixed nuts and all Id grab was the almonds and peanuts....tons!! =( so thats the problem, ate alot of almonds and nuts and I think thats were I screwed up.I have been drinking more than 32oz of water less Sprite zero, but last night Oni grilled......burgers and hot dogs and chicken breast, I had a chicken breast in a bun.............Annnnnddddddd 2 hot dogs in buns =(( (hiding and ready to be scroned) Wait what?? I know it happens but I feel very upset that I havent been able to stick to it.
So today I did better....I did have the nuts but not as much, I had:
An apple and almonds
Oatmeal and my coffee
Orange and grapes
Beef terryaki w bell peppers and salad
Sugar snap peas
And water tons of it!! I went to the store and got some steaks for hubby to grill. Im making mashed potatoes and steamed asperagous with lemon zest and spray of butter.....Im having brown rice and no taters.....I also had some sugar free chocolate chip cookies sooooo good!! Its really helped my sugar tooth. Ok so for my wkout I did my 30min walk with my sketchers shoes and went up a hill man its a major wkout!!! Later on I am going to do more squats and girlie push ups...I did some last night so Im hoping I dont gain any weight =(
So today I did better....I did have the nuts but not as much, I had:
An apple and almonds
Oatmeal and my coffee
Orange and grapes
Beef terryaki w bell peppers and salad
Sugar snap peas
And water tons of it!! I went to the store and got some steaks for hubby to grill. Im making mashed potatoes and steamed asperagous with lemon zest and spray of butter.....Im having brown rice and no taters.....I also had some sugar free chocolate chip cookies sooooo good!! Its really helped my sugar tooth. Ok so for my wkout I did my 30min walk with my sketchers shoes and went up a hill man its a major wkout!!! Later on I am going to do more squats and girlie push ups...I did some last night so Im hoping I dont gain any weight =(
Monday, February 22, 2010
Ok so this weekend we went to Disneyland, but let me back up a tad to friday.We went bowling for Oni bday and I resisted sweets I did have chips and salsa but said no to everything else.We had alot of fun and I met some of his friends he hasnt seen in forever!! One of his friends is a sweetie and I love love her!!! She said I looked tiny =) ok shes sweet, but I think I look the same.We got home around 12am went straight to bed!! lol Well on saturday he woke up excited and said WERE GOING TO DISNEYLAND!! So we went but I had my coffee first, instead of eating Mc Donalds (like Oni and Gena) me and Akira had Subway turkey breast dry with tons of veggies, no drink or sides I had water.Ok while Oni ate his fries (smelled sooooooo good) I NEVER once asked for one he was shocked! lol Gena had some Jelly Beans (ohhh) I grabbed one popped it in my mouth and Oni right away said "Ur not suppose to have that " I sortof didnt realize it, spit it out and told him thank u !! I brought along apples and fish crackers (original) has less than 1g of sugar.When we got there I need something warm!!! (COLD!) ....and thats when it started :FORGOT MY TRUVIA!!! =O......I had a coffee (hot choc was a no no) and did use splenda , at dinner we ate at the New Orleans Cafe, I ordered :
the Blackened chicken with a side salad, ok well I didnt know it was smuthered (the bread) so it was a tad buttery next time I will know , the salad had a vinagrette I ate some of it but it was to much since Im not into dressings, also I had water with lemon =)
Snacks were an apple and some crackers and also more water.
When we were done (it was about 12) I was super thirsty Oni got me a Diet Pepsi.The next morning we woke up and our ckout was 12pm.......sooo no breakfast since we woke up sortof late.We went into California Adventures to eat lunch, ok, I gotta say, I did what I could.
Asian bowl (yes white rice ) and chicken terryaki (sauce on the side) coffee (splenda) It also had tons of veggies in it like onions and bell peppers YUMMY!!!! I did use a little of sauce, not all of it and I was FULL by the time I was done. We walked around alot!! I did use my sketchers shapeups (Oh and at the hotel before leaving I did some girly push ups and some abs and also squats)
I had no snacks at all just alot of water, by the time the girls and Oni wanted dinner, I wasnt very hungry , grant it the last time we ate it was 1pm and it was already 8!! Oni wanted a sourdough bread bowl....YIKES Akira and I had the veggie chili..........I did have some bread and a coffee (yes I drink it alot BUT not for caffeine but it was cold!! ) Ok soo Oni got a cinnamon roll and I wanted to taste it he looked at me and said "No not worth it dont eat it , youll feel guilty" So I didnt =) Before we left I weighted myself.....133.8 (my body loves this weight =( ) so this am I weighed again I lost 2 ounces lol Ok so I struggled but I think I did ok =) thanks for reading and cking up on me!!
the Blackened chicken with a side salad, ok well I didnt know it was smuthered (the bread) so it was a tad buttery next time I will know , the salad had a vinagrette I ate some of it but it was to much since Im not into dressings, also I had water with lemon =)
Snacks were an apple and some crackers and also more water.
When we were done (it was about 12) I was super thirsty Oni got me a Diet Pepsi.The next morning we woke up and our ckout was 12pm.......sooo no breakfast since we woke up sortof late.We went into California Adventures to eat lunch, ok, I gotta say, I did what I could.
Asian bowl (yes white rice ) and chicken terryaki (sauce on the side) coffee (splenda) It also had tons of veggies in it like onions and bell peppers YUMMY!!!! I did use a little of sauce, not all of it and I was FULL by the time I was done. We walked around alot!! I did use my sketchers shapeups (Oh and at the hotel before leaving I did some girly push ups and some abs and also squats)
I had no snacks at all just alot of water, by the time the girls and Oni wanted dinner, I wasnt very hungry , grant it the last time we ate it was 1pm and it was already 8!! Oni wanted a sourdough bread bowl....YIKES Akira and I had the veggie chili..........I did have some bread and a coffee (yes I drink it alot BUT not for caffeine but it was cold!! ) Ok soo Oni got a cinnamon roll and I wanted to taste it he looked at me and said "No not worth it dont eat it , youll feel guilty" So I didnt =) Before we left I weighted myself.....133.8 (my body loves this weight =( ) so this am I weighed again I lost 2 ounces lol Ok so I struggled but I think I did ok =) thanks for reading and cking up on me!!
Friday, February 19, 2010
No sugar...........wait what!?
Ok so Ive been trying to not eat anything with any artifical sugar, I have my weak moments.....I have clinical hypoglycemia so this am I had a tiny attack my heart was racing and I know the only way to get rid of it fast was sugar/carbs.I grabbed a few ritz crackers and boom it was gone.....then back to no sugar.I no longer use splenda I switched to Truvia, I heard (after I already bought it) that Stevia is better =I ....ok well next time Ill get it
Its not that hard to avoid sugar,except its almost that time for me and this is when I want sweets also today is my hubbys bday...I bought him a cookies and cream cake from Baskin Robbins.....I admit I had a couple bites from Genas but I did not serve myself any, I had a cup of coffee with sugar free vanilla creamer, it helped my sweet tooth.Yesterday I wked out for 55min and my calves HURT!!!!!!! I think I can do this!! I will struggle but in time I think it will come easy =) this is what I ate today:
Coffe w/ sf creamer
Oatmeal w/ cinnamon and truvia
Lunch I had ground turkey breast with veggies and sugar free chocolate pudding
water 32oz
I grabbed a diet pepsi.........I fill it up with tons of ice to water it a tad
Got home didnt have dinner yet I had an apple so Im ok for now also another cup of coffee.
Were going bowling tonight,my goal is to be cautious about what I put in my body,drink more water and just have fun!!! My cloths feel good I feel good I wont weigh myself until probable sunday....but Im nervous because when Im due I normally gain about 3lbs! =( Im taking it one day at a time! Il do my best to keep u poste =)
Its not that hard to avoid sugar,except its almost that time for me and this is when I want sweets also today is my hubbys bday...I bought him a cookies and cream cake from Baskin Robbins.....I admit I had a couple bites from Genas but I did not serve myself any, I had a cup of coffee with sugar free vanilla creamer, it helped my sweet tooth.Yesterday I wked out for 55min and my calves HURT!!!!!!! I think I can do this!! I will struggle but in time I think it will come easy =) this is what I ate today:
Coffe w/ sf creamer
Oatmeal w/ cinnamon and truvia
Lunch I had ground turkey breast with veggies and sugar free chocolate pudding
water 32oz
I grabbed a diet pepsi.........I fill it up with tons of ice to water it a tad
Got home didnt have dinner yet I had an apple so Im ok for now also another cup of coffee.
Were going bowling tonight,my goal is to be cautious about what I put in my body,drink more water and just have fun!!! My cloths feel good I feel good I wont weigh myself until probable sunday....but Im nervous because when Im due I normally gain about 3lbs! =( Im taking it one day at a time! Il do my best to keep u poste =)
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