Wednesday, December 9, 2009

struggles in winter

I didnt wkout on Monday or Tuesday, on Monday it mainly was because it was storming I originally was planning on making Southwestern Turkey Chili but Oni asked me to not go to the store and just go home and hell grab dinner for us.I got home and hubby grabbed rolled tacos and rice I ate 3 and a little rice and a pan dulce......... Tuesday I was ok with food I wasnt as careful but I didnt eat alot either....last night I did make the chili but I got filled with chips and salsa.This cold weather really makes it rough for me mainly because I LOVE goodies......anything baked Im ok with food I dont get to tempted I can control myself some with the food but with goodies its very hard!!! So today I was going through some old blogs on my myspace when I first started wking out....and I was amazed on how motivated I was!!! Made me think and I asked myself why Im not like that right now?? reason??? NONE!! The weather isnt a good reason so today I ate better.:

Breakfast:1/3 cup oatmeal wth cinnamon and my coffee

Lunch I wasnt very hungry I ate a protein bar Luna smores and an apple

Snack baked chips

Goodie-small kitkat (1 bar)

Dinner turley chili and corn bread

snack 2 tbs of salsa and 5 chips...

Doesnt seem like much and its not but I was very hungry today...........I drank tea and water I wked out and burned 400 calories I will slowly get back into it again its rough for me Im very hard on myself, but I know once Im back on track it will get easier.Thank you for reading!!


Papi's Girl said...

You have to find your motivation again. What is the reason you work out and eat healthy? That is what will get you through the holidays and help you to cut out the excuses. I know it tough to get back into the routine but you have to find your motivation again. It was a little tough for me to get back into it after I was not feeling well. And now it is so cold to want to go to the gym But I find workouts at home on those stormy cold days. Do what works for you. We are here to cheer you on. Thanks for letting us into your little dark world....LOL! I love sweets too but try not to keep them in the house for that reason. IF they are here I will eat them. IF not then I don't. That how easy it is. LOLLL!

Iris said...

Lynnete-I am on the same boat you are. I am glad you saw some old blogs and felt motivated. You seem to be burning a good amount of calories when you do work out. I know you will really get back into it after new year. I am the same way. I kinda understand your method. It's like, we get to hide under all the winter clothes :)

lynn said...

I LOVE that u both get me!!!! Noone else does they see me 130'ish lbs and think I'm nuts for being cautious about food and exercise:( but you both understand I'm grateful for that:) Monica I've had high chol since I was in early 20's my main reason to wkout was to avoid meds but then I liked how I felt.... I'm not out of the woods sooo I have to get into it again as wking out at home it's not always easy but your right I shoul. And iris yes I love love cozy cloths and sweaters!!!! Lol thanks Grls