Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Breakfast: low carb tortilla (2pts)
3egg whites (1pt)
turkey sausage (2)
coffee (0)
lunch: salad chicken breast and steamed veggies left over from dinner (5pts)
snacks: sugar snap peas with green salsa that I made at home
drank alot of water and had fruit
wkout was a 30min walk and 30min on eliptical ..

At the end of the day I'm happy with how I did. I did have some of genas cheeto puffs that my inlaws gave het but only 6, it might seem like I didn't eat much but honestly I was full for dinner I had 1 low carb tortilla turkey sausage with bellpeppers and onions with some salsa... Yummy! I'm doing weight watcher again it helps me keep moderation under control... I feel good.. It's only day 2 of wking out but I can tell my body loves it. My cousin sent me a link on how to wkout with baby and I used it last night. I held Angel (he's 17lbs) facing the mirrior (he loves seeing his reflection he thinks it's another baby) and did squats... I made face. So he can laugh,.. I also laid on the couch and lifted him a couple of time my legs and back are sore:))

txs for cking up on me


Iris said...

You're doing good. You know, I read about why it's hard for mom's to workout after baby. I read it takes up to 5 months to recover the strength even in your joints! You know when you are pregnant, your body releases a hormone that allows your joints to loosen a bit for birth. Also, you still need to take supplements because it can take up for 5 years to recover the nutrients lost in pregnan, such as iron :) That's why we are tired! LOL It's not an excuse, just a fun lil fact that we can use to make sure we are taking supplements and eating right (veggies and healthy fats)

Papi's Girl said...

Good info Iris. I didn't know that.

Dang Lynette you make me look like a big pig...LOL!

Good job.