Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Found some goodies to help me

Ok first I know its easy for some to just eat healthy ALL the time and resist sweets and tempation but for me its not easy I tell myself that I wont have this and that and will keep away from so on.........but its so hard.So I found some alternatives and please dont judge me because even I can say that these arent the best choice but they help me stay clear from the worse things but some things I do eat are just as healthy.....

First of all I found some yummy english muffins for the am they are Thomas light multi-grain they gave 8g of fiber!!! OMG!! they are sooo good!! (and may I add they are only 1pt for me for the whole thing) =) yay...now when I eat lunch which can be anything really....I eat smart ones or lean cuisines which I dont care for the ones that have chicken or meat so its mainly pasta or if I have left overs from dinner.....now I have low sugars at times and ALWAYS crave something sweet after I eat......so I also have 100 calorie hostess cinnamon streusel coffee cakes for three small ones its only 1 pt for me!!

Now I know its not the best ever for the cake but I also do eat fruit all day I have oranges and pears and grapes ....now.........for drinks this is were I feel I will get more gripe on.........I love Red Bull.........but it has to be Sugar free!!! (o pts for the can) I sip it with a straw and it lasts longer for me now I DONT drink it every day but when I cant keep awake I go for it also I need to say I dont really drink soda but I love Coke Zero cherry......yup 0 pts.......its the only one I will drink I already had an ear full from one person I wk with but hey again its once in a while other than that I drink teas I found some yummy ones like Trader Joes carries a Blueberry Green tea and a Pomegrate White tea I do add 1 packet of non-caloric sweetner and its so good also Im in love with the one from Celestial its a Country Peach passion it taste like candy to me =)

I know you think I need more water right? well I drink lots of it!! I put the Crystal light in it!!! it adds more flavor Im also munching on almonds but not alot because I DO have high cholesterol so I have to limit myself to much isnt good for me.......so far these things help me.......I do get calcium which I know I need from yogurt but Im not a big milk drinker I know Iris it helps Im trying!! ok so far this is what I eat to help me keep me away from sweets I did weigh in at home from my scale it says I lost 1.6lbs =) but yet it reads differnt from when I went to the meeting but Im not doing the meetings anymore I will weigh in at home in the morning every saturday and go from there thanks for reading!!


Iris said...

You're so doing great! That's what it's about: finding healthy alternatives! You're so good at this already :D

lynn said...

aww thank u!! im trying!! while i was stressed i gained 2 pounds that always happens!! ughhh but im doing good lost it but 1lbs i need to remind myself that its a life change and its not a race so its ok if i gain .......=) but yup im getting better at knowing what to eat and even if im stressed out i can find better alternatives ...love u!!