Friday, June 10, 2011

My battles :)

Ok so yesterday was hard for me... I do my best to stick to my allowed
calories with some left over..... I NEVER eat them all, I know that in
order to loose the baby weight I need to be strict on myself. Well baby has
been fussing, hes teething AND got shots like I mentioned so I was
exhauseted. I skipped ONE wkout of 15min which usually equals to 150cal
burned ( I napped instead).........this TOTALLY set me back =(

I spoke to hubby and he was having a hard time working while he had both
the kids, so I told him that once Im off work I just need to go to the
store really quick,  and then I will head over and take them to my sisters
so they can play he said that was ok. I mainly shop at Fresh and Easy
Albertsons and Costco, yesterday was F&E, I needed to grab some emergency
snack bars and some other needed items.! I was already low in left over
calories and I didnt want to risk eating at my sisters.... I had a Cliff
Mojo bar and a Kind bar both are organic and vegan, No Im not vegan but I
do try to eat more natural things when I can not always but more than I use

Im sooo happy I bought the bars! I had one (the Kind bar) before I went to
my sisters, she made rice beans and tacos!!! It smelled SOOO good and Im
sure it was BUT I couldnt have any, I was already at 180 I think....and I
had some coffee..... I know I wouldve gone over if I had one taco. I
usually do really good when Im home, Ok sometimes I dont but if Im not home
I can be way worse.....When we left I became hungry but also another thing
I make sure I dont do is eat after 6pm...... SUCCESS!!!!

Today will be hard also, Im watching my nephews so my sister and bil can go
out for their anniversary I will be alone with my kids and them (5kids) I
know they will want popcorn and so on, I WILL KEEP TO MY ALLOWED
CALORIES!!!!!!!!!!!  Ive logged my food ( I log ALL of it ahead of time so
I know how I will do at the end.) I did wkout  I just need to do one more!
wish me luck!

Just wanted to log my tiny struggle =)


Papi's Girl said...

Try to snack on high fiber foods so you stay full longer. Fresh fruits and veggies w/ natural PB or hummus. When you eat bars they are usually full of sugar and don't fill you very long. Not necessarily refined sugar but still sugar.

They are cool every now and then for emergency snacks but don't rely on them they are still processed. I like to carry a small piece of fruit with me and some almonds for on the go snacks.

Good job with sticking to your goals. :)

Iris said...

You're so well disciplined. That's why you have been losing weight :)