Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sugar free #14

I went into work today at 4am which means I started getting hungry alot earlier than normal =S

4:00am: Coffee
6:00am 32oz water with Ice
6:48am:snack orange, palmful of peanuts
FINALLY breakfast 8:30am:Oatmeal w truvia and cinnamom
10:45am Lunch: Sandwhich (wheat) veggie dry with light cheese
Snck:Pretzels (thin) w Sobe life water (0 calorie and 0 sugar)
1:00pm Apple and 32oz water

After work we ran errands I was off at 2:30pm we were invited over to my sisters for dinner, she was making burgers but I told Oni no I took out some meat for tostadas....so I made some

6:00pm chili con carne and brown rice sprinkle of cheese w/ broccoli =) and water bottle

I did have 1 tostada shell (0 sugar) with some meat but honestly I was FULL............I had a small bowl of broccoli w I cant believe its not butter spray .....if u saw how much I ate youd think I was kidding when I said I was full....but I am!!

wkout:30min power walk.....
Im hoping to do some squats and lunges also pushups and crunches before bed =)

So far Im proud of how Ive been doing Im hoping I gained nothing since I wasnt soooo good this weekend but overall I feel great=) This is something I plan to stay with, yes we have a cruise but I plan on wking hard right now so when we go the temptation wont be as heavy!!


Papi's Girl said...

Good job prima.

lynn said...

Thank u!!! It was weird that the tostada has 0g of sugar....but I had one and felt a tad guilty =( but Im ok.....=)